West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 106
West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 106 site_adminWest Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 106 by Charlie Miller
____January 4, 1909 – By-laws of the West Jefferson Fire Department,
#1 – This organization shall be known as the West Jefferson Fire Department
#2 -The regular meeting night shall be the first Tuesday of each month
#3 – The duties of the Chief-- The orders of the Chief shall be paramount before, during, and after a fire. He may call a fire drill at his option. He must see that each man is familiar with his duties. He may at will, transfer men from one department to another if such change is desirable. The refusal of a member to obey the order of the Chief will be equivalent to dismissal. Each member of this department shall receive $1.00 as compensation for each fire, except in the case of a long and stubborn fire, when he shall receive such additional compensation as the council shall direct. No member is entitled to pay unless present for a fire.
____January 6, 1909 – Slaven and Snyder have constructed an electric light arch in front of the Opera House.
____October 8, 1909 – Shoot Out At West Jefferson - At 8:30 p.m. in front of Brown’s grocery (Red & White) Al Winegardner attempted to kill his wife. After shooting her in the neck, he then turned the gun on Officers ‘Bird’ Clark and Oscar Sprague, who were attempting to arrest him. The crowd which was just emerging from a movie at the Opera House, began to dive for cover. Mr. Wills, who fell while trying to escape the bullets, twisted his ankle and was unable to get up and for a while believed shot. A total of 14 shots were exchanged, one striking Winegardner in the hip. Marshal Clark’s coat had been singed by one of the bullets. A plate glass window in John Taggart’s grocery was shattered, and many bullets lodged in nearby buildings. Mrs. Winegardner was taken to a hospital in Columbus.
(Dodge City had nothing on West Jefferson. There is a picture of this grocery store in the West Jefferson Remembers at Hurt-Battelle Library showing a patch over the bullet hole.)
____The following is a list of veterans living in Jefferson Township in 1909:
All are Civil War Vets except those marked (*) which are Spanish-American vets. (X) were members of Company A, 40th Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
Jas. Allerton Leonard Morgan Columbus Huddle
Jacob Edwards Jno. B. McCoy (*) John Hann
(X) Lawrence Englesperger Charles H. Putnam Isaac Hambleton
(*) Jacob C. Englespeger George W. Prugh Francis Kelley
Martin Haynes Alexander Prose F. M. Kimberland
(X) Arthur Hann (*) Lester Sprague (*) Harry Matlock
Andrew Hale James Stanton John Matlock
Andrew Hollar Quinn Bradley Isaac Norris
William W. Lewis Simon E.Baker William Nipple
(*) William Morris William Borland (X) Thos. Pearce
Frank R. Miller P. J.Frey (*) Joseph Pearce
Leonard Morgan Corwin Carter J. R. Randolph
(*) Homer Roberts B. F. Roberts James Sceva
William Stratton Tye Wright.