West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 120 - 129

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West Jefferson in Days Gone By with a historical photo of Main Street West Jefferson


"I was born in 1936 in a house right on Main St. in West Jefferson, graduated from WJHS Class of '54.  I have always been interested in the history of West Jefferson.  In 1960, I decided to write a complete history of the town.  I worked on this for a number of years, finally getting up to 1935 and ran out of steam.  I get most of the history from history books and from the Madison County newspapers from 1855 on.  I have all of these stories, and now that there is no Madison Press, there's no way for people to read them.  I find them very interesting, and I think that you will also."

Charlie Miller


- Charlie Miller of West Jefferson, Ohio


To read the articles written by Charlie, click on the article below. They will be in order by Series number. If you would like a physical copy, stop by the Library to have a Staff Member print them for you free of charge.


West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 120

West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 120 site_admin

West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 120 by Charlie Miller


____November 12, 1925 – Young Banker Chosen As W. M. …..E. E. Gregg was elected as Worshipful Master of the Madison Lodge #221 F.&A.M.


____November 16, 1925 – Radio program lists have started appearing in the Madison Press. (Some of the stations listed were: KDKA, Pittsburgh; WEAF, New York City; WTAM, Cleveland, Ohio; WKRC, Cincinnati, Ohio; WOAI, San Antonio, Texas; WGY, Schenectady, New. York; WWJ, Detroit, and WLW Cincinnati, Ohio. Some of the programs listed were Concerts, Happy Home Hour, Aunt Jane, Eveready Hour, Sandman, Bon Bon Buddies, and Children’s Hour.


____November 19, 1925 – Ed Johnson’s famous “Yaller Dog” is dead….Hon. E. J. Johnson of West Jefferson and Arkansas arrived home Wednesday. He had a sad report to make to his hunter friends here, that “Yaller,” his famous coon and snake dog, about which column after column has been written, died a few weeks ago. (It was said that the movie Old Yaller was based on his book.)


____Some West Jefferson businesses in 1925 were: Wade’s Grocery, J. A. Baer, Undertaker; West Jefferson Cut Flowers and Plant Co., Britton’s Meat Market, Grover Burrell Grocery, West Jefferson Building & Loan, Madison County Finance Co., Frank Biggert, Secy-Treas., West Jefferson Elevator Co., Headley & Maddux Cars; Buckley’s Hardware, Exhibit Theater, Commercial Bank, Farmer’s Bank, John Murray & Son Lumber and Grain, The Moss Store, Pence & Blauser Undertakers, W. E. Poulson’s Store, Pence & Baber Used Cars, Sunset Oil Co. and Gillivan’s Hardware. (And the population was only 1/5 of what it is now.)


____December 18, 1925 – Lot D. Hull, Civil War Veteran and former West Jeff Mayor, passes away. L. D. Hull, 87, died Monday at his home on W. Main St. (Hull was born in September of 1838. He served as Cpl. in the 12th O. V. I. from 1861 to 1865, as Mayor from 1894-1897, and as Postmaster from 1898 to 1906, and was Commander of Wilson Burrows Post, 389 Grand Army of the Republic, West Jefferson.


____January 28, 1926 – Bill Strosnider has bought the West End Filling Station from Bailey & Spencer.

(This building sat on the intersection of London Rd. and W. Main St.)


____March 18, 1926 – Motor Cop Bill Clark is riding a new Indian Motorcycle this week, the result of action taken by the Village council at their last meeting.


____May 3, 1926 – E. E. “Pete” Gregg is a high scorer in a big trap shoot at Vandalia. He was a high gun at the State Shoot at Vandalia with a score of 183 out of a possible 200. There were over 150 sportsmen participating.


West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 121

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West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 121 by Charlie Miller


____May 17, 1926 – From a story appearing in the Columbus Citizen: “Some comments from West Jefferson residents why they like West Jeff.” Z. R. Taylor, proprietor of the Rexall Drug Store,

There’s no dirt, little noise, clean air, and good water. Many residents of West Jefferson are back several generations, most of us our real natives.” J. W. Kubitschak, owner of the Star Hotel, is one of the oldest businesses in town. “I’ve liked the place for 34 years, and I’m going to keep on liking it.”

(My, times have changed, haven’t they.)


____May 30, 1926 – Two of the five surviving West Jefferson Civil War Veterans were escorted to the Alton Cemetery. They were: Thomas Pearce, age 90; James “Daddy” Chambers, 87; George Prugh, 85, Corwin Carter, 83 and W. R. Borland, 80.


____June 28, 1926 – Beginning July 1st, the old custom of ringing ‘Curfew’ will be put into force again. But in accordance with the changing of customs, the old curfew bell at the Hall will not be used, but a siren will be sounded. (When the Baptist Church across the street held revivals, the preacher had to stop preaching a few minutes at 9 o’clock.)


____July 1, 1926 – The London National Guard is one of the oldest in the State of Ohio being formed originally as the 154th Regiment, Ohio National Guard, On May 9, 1864 Capt. Alex Swanston of West Jefferson Commanded Company C of that Regiment. A number of West Jefferson men also served in the 154th.


____September 6, 1926 – George Stephenson, who conducts a blacksmith’s shop on N. West St., is the prize “Smithy” of Ohio. He was given this honor at the State Fair last week when he took home first honors from a field numbering in the hundreds. (George was born in 1884 in Yorkshire, England. In 1909, he married Edith Harbage. He died on October 22, 1996, and is buried at Foster Chapel Cemetery.

He was a blacksmith, but was more famous as a Horseshoer. When Anhauser-Busch was on the road with their Clydesdales, they would have him come and shoe the horses. He never lost his accent. He would come into the I.G.A. and order a ‘alf a pund of hamburger.)


____September 16, 1926 – Fred Weber, head of the West Jefferson Elevator Co., announced that a contract had been let for the construction of a new elevator, which is to be built at a cost of $30,000.00. The plant will be built on the site of the old one but will be on the level this eliminating the hard pull.


____November 18, 1926 – One of the town’s oldest businessmen, William Hailslett, age 73, has died. He came to Jefferson in 1885 and set up his hardware store. (William Hailslett was born in New London, Pa., in 1852 and died in November of 1926. His wife, Patty, was born in Cambridge, England, in 1854. Their hardware store was on the current site of the Huntington Bank parking lot. She was very strange; when she died, Attorney William Culp was the Executor of the estate, and he found several different bank accounts under several different names. The late Robert Wilson, Sr. used to tell the story that she drug William around the town by his ear!)


West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 122

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West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 122 by Charlie Miller


____February 24, 1927 – “New Elevator is Completed At West Jefferson”---It stands on the site of the original elevator built in 1894 by Myron Silver and Robert F. Chenoweth. The new plant cost $30,000.00 and has a capacity of 30,000 bushels of grain. It is located on the Pennsylvania R.R. at the west end of town. The manager is Fred P. Weber, 34. Other workers are Harrison Smith, Pete Merrick, Tracy Hopper, and James Soloman. (Corner of W. Pearl St. and S. Frey Ave.)


____April 25, 1927 – Lukens and Rader open a new funeral service in West Jefferson.


____April 25, 1927 – Mr. and Mrs. William Wanzel will open the “Ye Olde Trail Dance Pavilion” on May 1, on W. Main Street. (I remember this later as the Longstreth Dance Hall. It sat on the northwest corner of W. Main Street and Blair Road. It was a huge building that drew huge crowds, and a lot of people came out from Columbus to dance. Wanzels also owned a bar at 25 W. Main St.)


____May 16, 1927 – The Commercial Bank closes. It was organized in 1882 by Ashton A. Gregg.


____May 30, 1927 – Only two West Jefferson Civil War Veterans are left. W. R. Borland and James "Daddy" Chambers were given ‘honor’ seats on the stage of the Opera House at a program given there to commemorate Memorial Day. (James Chambers was born in 1939 in Burlington, NJ. He served in Co. A 40th O. V. I. W. R. Borland was born in 1838 and served as a Pvt. in Co. D 95th O. V. I)


____May 1927 – Col. Charles Lindbergh, air hero of the New York to Paris non-stop flight, passed over Jeff Friday at about 12:28 p.m. on his way to St. Louis. He was flying fast and leading his escort planes. The entire town turned out for the occasion, and the siren was sounded, and auto horns were blown, but it isn’t likely that he knew anything about it!


____June 30, 1927 – Hume’s new 5 c. to $5 store is to open here Saturday in the former building occupied by Taylor’s Drug Store. (15 W. Main St. is at the west end of the building. A lithograph of the drug store is in the 1875 Madison County Atlas.)


____October 1927 – A traffic light has been installed on Main St at the intersection of Walnut St. (This one was used for several years, it was just red and green with no yellow caution light.)


____November 1927 – It is predicted that by 1935, the population of West Jefferson will be between 3,000 and 5,000 people. (Their count was right; the year was wrong.)


West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 123

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West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 123 by Charlie Miller


____Items appearing in The West Jefferson Star:


____January 26, 1928 – A beacon light is to be built near West Jefferson for an emergency landing field for the government aircraft mail and, etc. The beacon will be 89’ high. (This beacon sat along Rt. 29 across the road from Jefferson Industries. I don’t know when it was taken down, but I can remember it when I was a kid.)


____February 23, 1928 – Plans are being made to make Federal Route 40 a four-land highway through Ohio. (The first segment was completed from Columbus to West Jefferson around 1940.)


____April 12, 1928 – Land has been leased from Riddle R. Sidner two miles south of town along Lilly Chapel Road for use as an airfield. (This was more of an emergency airfield. During WWII, a fighter plane crashed at this airfield. I rode my bicycle out to see the wreckage.)


____April 19, 1928 – A Greyhound race track is to be built on the farm leased from Antony Frey. It will have a grandstand with a capacity of 5,000. Work will start on June 30th. (This track sat on the western end of Fellows Ave. and now contains the Merriman Addition.)


____May 10, 1928 – Ray Miller, Frank Kaufman, and Robert Boyd are the incorporators of the High-Grade Milk Co. (A 1938 High-Grade Milk Co. picture can be seen on Google after it had moved to Columbus.)


____May 10, 1928 - The Farmer’s Co-Op Cream Station, run by Lem Gregg, has moved to the brick building in the back of Town Hall. (It sat on the northeast corner of Walnut and Town Streets.)


____June 1, 1928 – A new drug store owned and operated by Merrill H. Mellott, has opened. (The building is the current site of Dr. Garwood. It’s the same building but has been remodeled.)


____July 4, 1928 – The Greyhound races opened today with a crowd of 7,500 in attendance.


____July 8, 1928 – An old prominent citizen, Henry Brown, 74, dies.


____July 12, 1928 – Work has started on the new village sewage disposal plant.


____August 30, 1928 – Another old settler passes away. Luther Johnson, father of Frank, Howard and Walter Johnson, dies.


____October 18, 1928 – The new beacon light on Lilly Chapel Road is now in operation.


West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 124

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West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 124 by Charlie Miller


___March 1929 – Gene Compton and Lon Campton have opened up a garage on N. Walnut St.


____May 1, 1929 – Air and Army maneuvers were held in the West Jefferson area. A company of men was stationed in Lilly Chapel.


____May 16, 1929 -Dr. Kerr has installed a new emergency hospital in the Kuehner Building on W. Main Street. (This is the same building on Main St. that collapsed in 2015.)


____May 23, 1929 – The local dog races are coming under fire from law enforcement officials.


____June 27, 1929 – The Dog Track is still going strong, a twenty day season recorded 40,000 in attendance.


____July 18, 1929 – Dr. J. Wm. Hurt, a recent graduate of the College of Medicine, Ohio State University, is now associated with Dr. George Kerr.


____February 5, 1929 – Lou Reason will move the White Kitchen from the Stutson Building, where it is now located, to across the street and a little bit east, to the corner recently vacated by the Biggert Confectionery. (This was in the Mantle House corner of Main and Chester Streets.)


____October 10, 1929 – A restroom is to be built by Frank Olney on the lot west of Town Hall. It will be ten feet off the back of the Fire Department room.


____October 10, 1929 – West Jefferson’s sanitary sewer system is to be completed by January 25, 1930.


____November 14, 1929 – M. W. Stutson, Mayor-Elect, was given prominent mention in the Sunday Dispatch. The article was headed by the Mayor of half a century ago who returned to office In West Jefferson. Mr. Stutson, 81 years of age, is full of vim and vigor and determined and perhaps enters with as much interest in the community growth as he did 57 years ago, or to be exact, 1872. He is quoted in the Dispatch as saying, “After I had served my term as Mayor, I thought I was through, but my friends wouldn’t have it any other way at the last election, and I had to consent to run. And you know now that after I have been elected, I am glad I did run because I think I have lived long enough to know what is good for the village. One of the first things that I’m going to do is get rid of the motor cop. I see no reason for such an expense on the village since the state has changed the speed law, and it will just save the village government $2,000.00 a year.”


West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 125

West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 125 site_admin

West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 125 by Charlie Miller


____December 26, 1929 – Dr. H. F. Jackson, 60, a well-known dentist of West Jefferson, died suddenly of heart trouble. He came to Jefferson 33 years ago, in 1896, and has practiced dentistry since that period. (Dr. Harry F. Jackson. Harry Ferguson Jackson was born in November 1869 in New Castle, Pennsylvania. He built the house on Fellows Ave. across the street from the 1912 High School. The door to Dr. Jackson’s office is on display at the Hurt/Battelle Memorial Library.)


____February 6, 1930 – Dr. George M. Kerr dies. He had spent nearly all of his professional life in this community, first at Lilly Chapel, later moving to West Jefferson. His practice had been exceedingly large, and his work among the flu patients during that epidemic was never-ending.


____March 4, 1930 – Alex Strain, Village Marshal for years, dies at age 70. (Alexander Strain was born in 1862. He was a Village Marshal and also worked at the Canning Factory. He is buried at Pleasant Hill.)


____March 4, 1930 – The manager of the Orient Theater has contracted for the installation of Superior Sound Pictures, which will be in operation by the middle of the month. With this new sound device, all the latest and approved sound effects are given as the sound is taken directly from the film. The Orient is one of the prettiest picture houses in Ohio. (The Orient Theater was in the remodeled 1862 Methodist Church on Main St. When your writer was 15 years old, I was the janitor. The theater was open on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Bill Strauss was the projectionist. When the film broke, everyone whistled and stomped their feet!)


____April 10, 1930 – The West Jefferson Four Mill burned to its foundation Monday evening with a loss of $10,000.00 or more. The West Jefferson Flour Mill was recently purchased and put into operation by Mr. W. A. Rush, who caught fire in the upper portion of the mill Monday afternoon and burned to the ground. Mr. Rush had made extensive repairs and had installed new machinery. The mill was probably 100 years old yet had been built of solid oak timbers that were still in a fine state of preservation. The mill was operated by water power for years when the waters of the Little Darby Creek were utilized.


(This mill sat at the far end of the Mill Road. The mill was later known as the Renner Mill, run by three brothers, John, Adam, and George. Their father, John, was born in Germany and immigrated in 1860)


____April 27, James ‘Daddy’ Chambers, age 93, died at the home of his son Eugene west of town on Monday morning. Mr. Chambers was a Civil War Veteran and one of the few remaining soldiers of that army. He was a member of Wilson Burrows Post #389 Grand Army of the Republic. Eugene Chambers was the father of Ellis “Doc” Chambers, who owned the I. G. A. Store.)


____July 3, 1930 – The Columbus papers will probably give West Jefferson a little free publicity with front page articles, for that is the date set for Mayor Stutson’s hearing before Gov. Cooper. A petition bearing the names of 200 persons asking for the Mayor’s removal was filed with the Governor. Following this, a petition with an equal amount of names has been presented asking that the Mayor be retained.


West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 126

West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 126 site_admin

West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 126 by Charlie Miller


____July 18, 1930 – A hearing against Mayor Stutson has been postponed until August 18, 1930.


____August 21, 1930 – Charges against 82 year old Mayor Stutson of West Jefferson will not be received by Gov. Cooper, an agreement has been reached between those filing the charges and attorneys for Mr. Stutson.


____August 28, 1930 – The hardest hail storm that any of the old timers ever witnessed or heard of in West Jefferson fell Saturday noon. Hail was estimated at a 2-inch depth over the entire town.


____April 28, 1931 – Thomas Pearce, 94, a Civil War Veteran who served with Company A, 40th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, was found dead Sunday morning at his home near West Jefferson. (Thos. Pearce was born in 1836, the son of Samuel T. Pearce, 1798-1885. Samuel Pearce was an early settler of Madison County.)


____April 28, 1931 – Ohio Bell To Buy Home Phone Company---A petition was filed with the PUCO to purchase the property of the West Jefferson Home Telephone Company. The West Jefferson Home Telephone Company was organized about 30 years ago by Messers Boyd, Pence, and Ligget to provide phone service for West Jefferson and surrounding areas. About 25 years ago, a competing concern, the Farmer’s Telephone Co., was formed, lines were constructed, and an exchange was maintained at West Jefferson, Resaca, and Hilliard. In 1915, West Jefferson seceded from the Resaca and Hilliard’s Farmer’s and entered into a contract with the West Jefferson Home Telephone Company. On July 1, 1915, the two exchanges were combined. Robert W. Boyd is President, and W. L. Cary is Secretary-Treasurer. Elmer Moore is the plant Chief, and Lillie Millikin is the Chief Operator.


____July 8, 1931 – The new reinforce concrete bridge to replace the present bridge over Little Darby Creek on E. Main Street, has an estimated cost of $28,083.30. The length of the improvement is 625 feet with a 32 foot roadbed and a 4.5 foot sidewalk. Date of completion is set for November 30, 1931.


____July 30, 1931- Matthew W. Stutson, 83, Mayor of West Jefferson, dies at his home at this place Sunday morning following an illness of cancer of the throat. (Little is known of Mr. Stutson; he was born in 1848 in West Jefferson; in 1870, he was a dry goods merchant and later ran a confectionery. On November 11, 1874, he married Mary Browning. By 1880, he was a widower. He had no survivors when he died, and close friends, the Biggert family, took care of his estate.)


____August 16, 1931 – Seven places were raided Tuesday night by dry officers with six dry hauls, and in the seventh, only a few bottles of home brew were found!


West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 127

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West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 127 by Charlie Miller


____September 17, 1931 – A community fire engine was purchased Tuesday night at a meeting held at the Mayor’s office. Through the efforts of a solicitor, pledges in the amount of nearly $5,000.00 have been made for the purchase of a new community fire engine, a 350-gallon pumper, and a chemical engine for the whole community to be used by the communities between Rome and Lafayette. It’s possible that the fire company at this place will be reorganized, then four men trained to operate the outfit and at each other community have the assistance of the other firefighters; the officers for the Community Fire Department elected at a regular meeting held a few weeks ago were Sam Feder, President and R. I. Blauser, Secy.


____October 2, 1931 – The following is from Recob’s Meat Market: Fresh Callies—10c. lb. Smoked Callies—12 ½ c. lb. Bacon—17c. lb. Loin Pork Chops—20c. lb. Shoulder Chops—17c. lb. Sausage—15c. lb. Hamburger fresh and savory—12c. lb. Frankfurters—15c. lb.


____November 12, 1931 – John M. Gillivan, 65, local hardware dealer, passes away. He had conducted a store at Gillivan, Ohio, starting in 1886, then in 1890 sold out and, with his brother George, took over their father’s hardware store in West Jefferson. In 1903, after his brother George died, he ran the business on his own. He is survived by two sons, Ralph F. ‘Paddy’ Gillivan and Allen O. Gillivan, and one daughter, Mrs. Lucille Ewart. (Gillivan Hardware was founded in 1866 by James Gillivan, who was born in Ireland in 1834. He immigrated in 1855. He served as Post Master at Gillivan from March 17, 1887, to June 7, 1890. He died on August 6, 1909, and is buried at Mt. Calvary Cemetery. Gillivan Hardware was in business for 100 years.)


____November 26, 1931 – Miss Gladys Stickel is moving the White Kitchen Restaurant from the Stutson Building to the Hotel (Mantle House) back to its former location. Miss Stickle will operate the White Kitchen and hotel, catering to the tourist trade and providing the same good service to the local trade. (Gladys operated the White Kitchen along with her husband, George B. (Chesty) Smith. After she died in 1949, he married her sister Katherine (Kad) Smith. Chesty served 2 ½ years in the U. S. Army Air Force during WWII, serving as a Corporal. The White Kitchen was the place to eat when U. S. Route 40 was the main east and west thoroughfare)


___August 1, 1932 – Sunday, the Bill Cody (Buffalo Bill) Wild West Show caravan of nearly 100 trucks and automobiles passed through West Jefferson. A stop was made at the Strosnider Filling Station, where 241 gallons of gas and 41 quarts of oil were purchased for their machines—a pretty good order! (Bill Strosnider’s station was at the junction of the London Road and U. S. 40.)


____September 1, 1932 – Cement work on the 10 miles stretch of the National Road between Summerford and West Jefferson was finished on Wednesday afternoon. This stretch of highway replaces a narrow crowning highway and joins a good road at either end, as the Springfield end was finished last year. Another job on the National will no doubt be started in the next two years to Columbus, a distance of about 9 miles, which would make the National a paved highway from Hebron to Indianapolis.


West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 128

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West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 128 by Charlie Miller


____September 19, 1932 – An ordinance has been passed allowing the Mayor to contract with the West Jefferson Power and Light Company for electrical service for the lighting of the streets of West Jefferson.


____September 29, 1932 – West Jefferson will have a new gas station by the time winter sets in. T. J. Creedon has purchased the vacant lots just east of Mrs. Carrie Miller's residence. This station will make the 10th on Main Street. A. F. Dietsch, Texaco; Mr. Harrison, Sinclair; Harold Biggert, and Emmett Young, Standard Oil; Voss Brothers, Ford Garage; William Hughes, Shell; Martin Miller, Standard Oil; William Strosnider, Linco; Ira Hunter, Sinclair; and Cochran Pureoil at the intersection of Main St. and Blair Road. Ralph Parsons on N. Walnut St is the only one off Main Street.


____December 29, 1932 – The machinery of the HI-Grade Milk Co. was moved from this location to 1526 King Ave., Columbus. This plant, under the management of Ray Miller, has built up a splendid business in the city and feels it would be better to have the plant located nearer his customers. The plant here will later be remodeled to make butter and cottage cheese. (A picture of the HI-Grade Milk Co. Wagon can be found on Google.)


_____January 12, 1933 – Paul Miller was elected President of the Business Mens Club and Ralph ‘Paddy’ Gillivan Vice President—Jacob McCoy as Secry-Treas. The Club numbered 52 members. They met at the Wise Restaurant, enjoyed a chicken supper, and then adjourned to the Mayor’s office for the business session. (This was the forerunner of the West Jefferson Community Association.)


____June 1, 1933 – Corwin Carter, 93, was the only Civil War Veteran to attend the 1933 Memorial Day Services.


____June 29, 1933 – Lightning struck a binder in a wheat field on the Sidner Farm just south of town Saturday. Three men, Charles Gregg, James Long, and Charles McCarty, who were with the binder, had stopped the team and had taken shelter under a canvas on the binder, while Jesse Lowe and Lewis Cox took shelter under a wheat shock. Gregg, Long, and McCarty were stunned severely, and one of McCarty’s shoes was torn from his foot and thrown 100 feet. Gregg, Long, and McCarty were taken to Dr. Sheetz. Later on, Cox and Long were returning to the horses, and as they approached the barn, lightning struck the fence, knocking Cox to the ground. Long continued to the barn, and as he approached a silo, it started to fall, he ducked under a flat hay wagon, and the ladders fell off of the wagon, striking Long and knocking him unconscious.


____November 9, 1933 – The results of the 1933 Mayoral Election- H. G. Putnam-251; O. P. Van Schoik-240; Ellis Jackson-197; H. Bradfield- 14. Herb Allerton, Steve Martin, Frank Peters, James Palmer, Merkel Miller, and Harrison Smith were elected to the Village Council.


West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 129

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West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 129 by Charlie Miller


____January 1, 1934 – Council appropriates $13,238.00 for the year 1934. The next meeting of the Business Men will be held at the Star Hotel.


____January 11, 1934 – “Old Big Foot’s” cunning finally failed him. The monstrous 28-pound raccoon, who has been stealing chickens, geese, and ducks in the vicinity of West Jefferson for the last five years and has made him a mark for many hunters, is dead. He was shot on the farm of Henry Feder north of Jefferson after a three-mile chase.


____March 13, 1934 – Ora B. Horn, 56, a well-known barber, died today at Mt. Carmel Hospital. Mr. Horn came here 19 years ago and opened a shop in the Metropolitan Building. (The Metropolitan Building sat on the current site of the Huntington Bank on the corner of Main and Walnut Streets. Your writer got his first haircut in that building around 1940.)


____April 2, 1934 – A new motorcycle has been purchased for $370.00.


____April 5, 1934 – E. E. Gregg, Secretary of the West Jefferson Gun Club, celebrated his 10th anniversary as a trap shooter in a very auspicious manner on July 4th when he won the “Crooksville Shoot.” He was presented with a 35-piece set of Crooksville China dishes for his marksmanship.


___July 30, 1934 – Miss Grace Webb, member of the ‘B’ Centralized School Teaching Corps, was one of the graduates to receive diplomas in the Elementary Teaching Course at Capital University. (The ‘B’ School was attended by children out in the Township until they reached the 6th grade when they attended the town schools. Eventually, the building will house the school board offices.)


____August 2, 1934 – James Kehoe, 89, a retired railroad man, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Frank Wise, on S. West St. “Granddad Kehoe” was a native of Ireland born in County Tipperary on May 5,, 1845. He has resided in Jeff for more than 60 years.


____August 16, 1934 – The greyhound races will be resumed at the West Jefferson track on Saturday.


____October 8, 1934 – Capt. Walter Seamon, Fellow Ave., veteran army man, was promoted to Major on October 1, 1934. (Major Seamon later served as Mayor of West Jefferson in 1938 and 1939.)


____December 6, 1934 – The West Jefferson Power and Light Company has been purchased by the Dayton Power and Light Company for a price of $64,411.54. The West Jefferson concern served Madison and Union Counties.


____December 20, 1934 – State Utilities Commission has authorized the sale of the W. Jefferson Power & Light Company to the Columbus Railroad and Light Company instead of the DP&L. Mayor Putnam and members of the council protested the sale to DP&L asserting that the Columbus firm could give lower rates and more efficient service.