West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 137
West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 137 site_adminWest Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 137 by Charlie Miller
- 1918
Doctors in West Jefferson: Lester W. Olney, 1880-1921; Harry F. Jackson, 1869-1929; L. E. Evans; Jonas A. Baer; Furniture & Undertaker; Commercial Bank; Taylor Drugs; E. J. Britton, grocery; Willard B. Culp, Insurance; Frank Wise, Restaurant; The Ohio Gate Manufacturing Co.; Ed J. Buckley, Hardware; The Farmer’s Bank; Pat’s Pool Hall above the Post Office; West Jefferson Lumber Co.; The White Kitchen; Headley & Maddux Ford Garage; Ed Scott’s Confectionery; City Barber Shop. A. O. Jones Proprietor and Orders Department Store. Later businesses were Martin Dry Goods, Baber Brothers Grocery, The Interurban Restaurant, and William Baber Livery & Feed Stable. (The Feed Stable was in use with the Mantle House right behind it on Town Street in what was previously Williams Garage.)
- January 19, 1937 – Ralph Parsons, Sr., purchased the Hoe Building, and it became the Parsons Building.
- 1918 – Myron Silver was a dealer in lumber, grain, and coal.
Early Banks
- 1870 – The West Jefferson Building & Loan was founded in 1870; it was the second oldest Building & Loan Association in the State of Ohio; it later became the Jefferson Savings and later the Huntington National Bank.
- 1882 – The Commercial Bank was organized in 1882 by Ashton A. Gregg and Dr. Jefferson T. Colliver.
It closed in 1927. The 1914 officers were Pierce Gregg, President; Thomas C. Gregg, Cashier; and Howard Johnson, Asst. Cashier.
- January 1, 1901 – The Farmers Bank was organized with Owen Harbage, Ben Harbage, A. C. Millikin, and Chas. H. Putnam as stockholders. In 1914, the officers were Owen Harbage, President; Ed W. Johnson, Cashier; Robert C. Millikin, Asst. Cashier and C. W. Wade, Teller. In 1930, E. W. Johnson was President; David R. Sidner, Vice President; Riddle Sidner, Cashier; and F. G. Brown Asst. Cashier.
- 1808 – The oldest cemetery in Jefferson Township is which was located at Alder Chapel on the Plain City-Georgesville Rd which later was destroyed. It was the burial of a child of Mr. Maythorne.
- 1823 – New Hampton Cemetery, laid out in 1823 by one of the founders of New Hampton, Samuel Jones whose wife was the first burial. In 1820, the Baptist Church was built in the middle of the cemetery.
- 1853 – The Blair Cemetery located 4 miles northwest of Jefferson on the Taylor–Blair Road. It’s about 1 acre in size. The land was donated by George W. Blair.