West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 155

West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 155 site_admin

West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 155 by Charlie Miller


From West Jeff Centennial


- Shell Special – Thursday, Friday, Saturday. These prices are good for 3 days only. Super X or Nitro Express, Box of 25s-89c. All other standard grades Box of 25s -69c. Make this store your headquarters during the centennial celebration. Farmers Implement Co. Harry Coe Mgr. Phone 192


- Masonic Lodge No. 221 F. & A. M. is, at present, perhaps the oldest institution in this place. On October 22nd of this year, it will have been in existence as a chartered lodge for 82 years. On December 20, 1851, a number of free and accepted Masons met at the home of Richard Acton to take into consideration the establishment of a lodge of Masons at this place. Present were Benjamin Crabb, John Melvin, T. J. Stutson, Samuel Davidson, O. P. Crabb, Geo. Archer, James Parks, and Richard Acton.


It was resolved to establish a lodge of F. & A. M. to be known as Hubbard Lodge and elected a site for the lodge room on lot No. 9 in the J. W. Simpkins building. (the current site of Veterans Park) Officers elected were W. M. Benjamin Crabb, S. W. Jno. Melvin, and J. W. Thos. J. Stutson. By-laws were established on Feb. 3, 1852. A charter was granted on Oct. 22, 1852, at which time the name was changed to Madison Lodge No. 221, and Benjamin Crabb was again elected W. M. Current W. M. is Harold B. Rader.


- I.H.C. Farm Tools – A full line of genuine repairs for all makes of farm machinery. Used farm tools, Corn Shredder, Tractor Plows, Tractor Disc, Etc. Centenary Greetings To All Jeffersonians.

R. L. PARSONS-The implement man. 137 N. Walnut St.


- In the olden days, wooden bridges were in vogue. They were eventually torn down. One covered bridge spanned Little Darby on East Main St, another on the Middle Pike, known as the Conklin bridge, and a third at the foot of the hill on the Blair Road which had no roof but a high wooden balustrade on each side for protection and was known as the Gauley bridge.


- During the Civil War, the following were members of Co. C, 154 Reg’t O.N.G. Its Captain was Alex Swanston, 1st Lt. J. M. Jones, 2nd Lt. Isaac Hambleton, Sergeants, J. A. Arnett, C. H. Putnam, E. R. Hill, J. M. Lewis, Corporals, Geo. Hann, David Lucas, Samuel Sidner, Jas. Farrington and George Price. Dr. John Nobel Beach was commissioned Surgeon of the 40th O. V. I.


- We will mention some of our older citizens who are making an effort to recall their names. Do you remember:

The general store of O. H. Bliss and the old warehouse on the site of the present railroad depot? (N. Walnut St.) The stockyards north of the viaduct entrance on West St? (On the east side of Depot St. north of the R. R.) The log yard where S. G. Fedder now resides? (130-132 E. Main St.) The broom factory and broom storage of Lester Burnham on the site are now owned by John Chenos.