Homework Help (https://www.hbmlibrary.org/kids/homework)

Homework Help


OHIO WEB LIBRARY (https://www.ohioweblibrary.org/sources/) RESOURCES

World Book Early Learning with gorilla wearing a red hat and shorts (https://www.worldbookonline.com/wbel/#/home)   Explora Primary with orange and blue frog with black spots (http://ohioweblibrary.org/db/ebsco-explora-primary)   Gale in Context Elementary Make Learning a Blast two children on a computer (https://ohioweblibrary.org/db/kidsinfobits)   Science Reference Center lady with goggles (https://ohioweblibrary.org/db/ebsco-science)   What tree is it? Identify by leaf, fruit or name with tree clipart (https://www.oplin.org/tree)   What's that snake? A guide to the snakes of ohio (https://www.oplin.org/snake)   What's the point? Identifying flint artifacts (https://www.oplin.org/point)   World book kids with image of sled dog team (https://ohioweblibrary.org/db/worldbook-kids)



fact monster with image of blue monster (https://www.factmonster.com/homework-help/homework-help-study-tips)   wonderopolis where the wonders of learning never cease (https://wonderopolis.org/)



Early World of Learning (https://www.worldbookonline.com/wbel/#/home) - Three interactive learning environments for preschoolers and children in early grades.

Explora Primary Schools (http://ohioweblibrary.org/db/ebsco-explora-primary) - A trustworthy environment for students and educators in grades K through 5 to look up facts for class projects or homework.

Gale In Context: Elementary (https://ohioweblibrary.org/db/kidsinfobits) -Gale In Context: Elementary (formerly Kids Infobits) is an easy-to-use digital resource featuring age-appropriate, reliable, curriculum-related content covering a broad range of educational topics. The modern design and simple navigation make it easy for users to explore content and gain comfort with database searching.

Science Reference Center (https://ohioweblibrary.org/db/ebsco-science) - Contains full text for hundreds of science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals and other sources.

What Tree Is It? (https://www.oplin.org/tree) - Ohio tree identification guide.

What's That Snake (https://www.oplin.org/snake) - Ohio snake identification guide

What's The Point? (https://www.oplin.org/point) - Identifying flint artifacts.

World Book Kids (https://ohioweblibrary.org/db/worldbook-kids) - Thousands of colorful illustrations, diagrams, and maps enrich thousands of articles, with teacher guides.



Fact Monster (https://www.factmonster.com/homework-help/homework-help-study-tips) - Factmonster is part of the FEN Learning family of educational and reference sites for parents, teachers and students.

Wonderopolis (https://wonderopolis.org/) - Wonderopolis.org is a neat nonprofit website that answers all sorts of questions submitted by children with fact-filled, kid-friendly articles and fun-to-watch videos. There's the "Wonder of the Day," plus an archive of hundreds of past "wonders."

Source URL: https://www.hbmlibrary.org/kids/homework