Loan Policy (

For the first month, New Patrons may only check out a maximum of 3 items at a time, 1 of which may be a DVD.
After the probationary period, a maximum of 50 items may be checked out, 7 of which may be DVDs and 2 may be DVD series.
Board games, cake pans and memory boxes are limited to 1 per card.

The loan periods for materials is as follows:

7 Days:

Board Games
Memory Box

14 Days:

DVD TV Series
Fishing Poles
New & Holiday Books
Nonfiction DVDs 

28 Days: 

All Other Books 


  • HBMLibrary does not charge overdue fines. Items 30 days overdue will be charged to the patron's card.
  • Patrons are responsible for any lost, damaged or stolen items.

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