West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 43 (https://www.hbmlibrary.org/content/west-jefferson-days-gone-series-43)
West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 43 by Charlie Miller
NEWS ARTICLES: Madison County Democrat, July 6, 1868- The old Flint House property has been purchased by Alex Swanston and next spring he will tear away the fabric and erect in its place a large new building. (this building still stands on the northwest corner of Main and Walnuts Streets, it was later known as the Gregg Opera House,) The fine building already erected by Mr. Swanston is now owned by Dr. John N. Beach. In the west end of it is a modern style business occupied by J. B. F. Taylor, the druggist. (This building is located at 11-15 W. Main St. The drug store was later owned by Zachery Taylor successor to Dr. Merrill Mellott. J. B. F. Taylor enlisted in the 5th Reg. Indiana Calvary when he was 18 years old. His full name was Jesse Babcock Ferguson Taylor. He died on August 31, 1931) John Harvey had a warehouse at the depot, he also dealt in groceries, flour, salt, etc. Dry Goods come from Thomas J. Stutson, Fellows & Co., and B. Brobst.
On a visit to West Jefferson, we were shown the eventful place where Chub Hann was murdered a few weeks ago. It appears that after being stabbed through the heart the unfortunate man walked several rooms of an adjoining house and out into the garden before he fell. The murderer is still at large and will probably never be caught. We also noticed that several of the streets in town are being graveled and graded.
___July 15, 1868- An ordinance was passed prohibiting stores, groceries, saloons, or others from keeping open or selling on the Sabbath Day.
____July 23, 1868- A resolution of A. Miller to build a calaboose under the north end of the Town Hall, passed.
____October 1, 1868, The Madison County Democrat, Railroad Accident at West Jefferson— The Cleveland Express going 30 miles per hour, ran over a horse in the cut just west of town, throwing the engine, tender, four baggage and express cars, and one passenger car from the track. Miraculously no one was hurt.
Had we an earthquake this morning? At 8 o’clock a sizable shock was felt by hundreds in the Township. We supposed it to be the explosions of some of the engines in Smith’s Woods, but have nothing of the kind yet.