West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 50 (https://www.hbmlibrary.org/content/west-jefferson-days-gone-series-50)

West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 50 by Charlie Miller


____ April 22, 1871 – The Madison County Democrat – Israel Brown one of the oldest citizens of Jefferson Township, died on Saturday last. Funeral services were at Foster Chapel. (In 1875 Israel Brown and his son William operated a saddle and harness shop in the building that was later the Red & White grocery store. Wm. Brown served as a Cpl. in the 154th O. V. I. during the Civil War. He died July 23 1898 and is buried at Pleasant Hill Cemetery.) 


____ August 8, 1871 – Dr. Charley Snyder served a year at the Ohio State Penitentiary ….. as Assistant Physician. 


____ The Beals & Brothers are dealers in groceries and provisions at the Railroad warehouse. 


____August 3, 1871 – We spent a half a day looking through the O. H. Bliss museum the other day. It was worth a visit of ten miles to inspect the coats, hats, bonnets, etc. of “ye olden day,” and compare them with the ludicrous styles of the present day. Mr. Bliss has been doing business at the same stand for nearly 25 years. (Oramel H. Bliss was born in 1818 in Vermont and died August 12, 1871. In 1860 his real estate value was $50,000.00. Quite a bit of money at that time.) 


____ August 10, 1871 – Pern Cowling’s alligator escaped from its cage a few days ago, and after a thorough search of this neighborhood it was found under the bed of an adjoining house taking an afternoon nap. (Parnell Chester Cowling was the local druggist. His daughter Mabel didn’t die until 1950 and is buried in Pleasant Hill Cemetery. She was the granddaughter of Thos. J. Stutson) 


____ April 4, 1872- We can see in what kind of condition the town was sometimes kept in by the following orders given to the Marshall, “The Marshall was instructed to remove all barrels, boxes, manure, and wood piles from the sidewalks and streets, and to notify all persons to have alleys and streets open within 14 days.” 


____ April 18, 1872 – The Mayor was instructed to procure a Corporation seal. (This seal contained a copy of the covered bridge which spanned the National Road over Little Darby Creek.) 


____ May 28, 1872 – Resolved by the Council of the Village of Jefferson, that the east side of West Street from the National Pike to the Railroad, is to be paved with a good brick, 6 feet wide and to be completed by July 1, 1872. The Marshall’s salary for 1872 was $75.00 per year.


____ 1872 – The Agent for the Pittsburgh, Columbus & St. Louis R.R. was notified to stop all trains from running over 4 MPH through the Corporation limits of Jefferson.

Source URL: https://www.hbmlibrary.org/content/west-jefferson-days-gone-series-50