West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 52 (https://www.hbmlibrary.org/content/west-jefferson-days-gone-series-52)

West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 52 by Charlie Miller


IDA GRASSEL CONT’D: (From 1965 interview) The Bradley Drug Store was where the Central National Bank is ( 19 W. Main St.) Quincy Bradley was born in 1843, died in 1920, and is buried in the mausoleum at the Pleasant Hill Cemetery. He served in Co. D 84th O.V.I. during the Civil War.) Dr. Jewett lived where the Blauser & Baker Funeral Home is. (Southeast corner of Main and West Sts.) There used to be a frame building where the I.G.A. Store is now. (Now Veterans Park) Maybelle Keyser worked in the telephone office in that building. Ed Buck ran a saloon. (was in Hotel Buck on the south side of Main St. where the bank parking lot is now. (The Library has a picture of this hotel when it was the Royal Hotel on their West Jefferson Remembers site) The fellow who killed Ed Buck (a later story) was March Rix, he went to prison and when he was released he grieved himself to death as Buck was his best friend. Ed Buck owned the lots where the Catholic Church and Parsonage are now. (On Main St.) Lester Burnham raised broom corn over in the Railroad Addition, and his daughter Emma Burnham taught school. (There is a picture of Emma in front of the Union School in the Library’s West Jefferson Remembers site.) Luther Johnson died in a house fire when he went back in to get his wallet. It was never learned who killed Joe Millholland, (a later story) Zack Taylor was the only druggist for a long time. Finis


 We’re going to skip to some later dates, there may be some people who remember these stories and people as I do.



____January 28, 1920 – James McDonald, manager of the Murray Lumber & Grain for the past 15 years, died, aged 59 years. He was a railroader in his early life and had also served on the Village Council. 


____February 11, 1920 - Mayor Putnam issues orders placing a ban on all gambling devices, also he has ordered the boys under 17 years old to stay out of poolrooms unless accompanied by their parents. (There is a picture of Mayor Putnam in the Library’s West Jefferson Remembers site) 


_____February 25, 1920 – A victory progress was held at the West Jefferson Methodist Church under the auspices of the Madison County W.C.T.U. (Women’s Christian Temperance Union). A timely address of “The Recent Prohibition Victory” was delivered. 


____May 8, 1920 – Mayor Putnam has issued an order that automobiles must be parked straight into the curb on Main and Center Streets. ( These were parked head-in but in a diagonal manner like they do on Main Street in London. Route 40 travel was much less than later.) 


____March 10, 1920 – The Wilson Burrows G.A.R. Post (Grand Army of the Republic, the forerunner of the American Legion) Relief Corps No. 98 is in operation. (The Women’s Auxiliary)


____ May 24, 1920 – The daughter of former Mayor Richard Acton dies. (Richard Acton was Mayor of West Jefferson in 1851. His daughter Margaret who went by Maggie, died in Columbus age of 58 both are buried at the Oak Hill Cemetery in London, Ohio.) Mr. Acton served as a musician in the 40th O.V.I. during the Civil War.

Source URL: https://www.hbmlibrary.org/content/west-jefferson-days-gone-series-52