West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 53 (https://www.hbmlibrary.org/content/west-jefferson-days-gone-series-53)
West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 53 by Charlie Miller
____March 24, 1920 – The Ladies Aid Society of the Baptist Church will serve a chicken supper in the basement of their church on Thursday, March 25th.
____May 17, 1920 – NOTICE, Civil War and World War vets will meet at the G.A.R. Hall at 10 O’clock Sunday the 23rd for Memorial Services at the Baptist Church, W. R. Borland, Post Commander.
____October 4, 1920 – Senator Warren G. Harding, Presidential candidate, held a rally at “Wilson’s Corners” just north of West Jefferson.
____December 1, 1920 – E. J. Fitzgerald and Carl Byerly, well-known businessmen of this place, will open their new grocery and meat market in the room next to the Commercial Bank on December 22nd. Frank Engle will be in charge of the meat market, and Herbert Allerton will be the head clerk in the grocery department.
____January 26, 1921 – Many of our farmers are unloading their corn at the very unsatisfactory price of 50 cents per bushel, which cost them 90 cents a bushel to produce. You will have to keep a stiff upper lip, for you, like the rest of us, will get our reward in Heaven!
____One of our High School girls was asked what she had learned in Latin, and this was her reply:
Boybus kissibus
Sweeti Galorium
Girlibus Likebus
Wanti Somorbium
____March 26, 1921 – An official list just released by the U. S. Army lists Floyd Dixon of West Jefferson as killed in action on July 28, 1918. July 18, 1921 – There are now 103,258 Civil War Veterans left in the Country. The State with the largest number is Ohio, with 10,241. The youngest member of the Grand Army of the Republic is General John L. Clem, age 71. (Your writer, at a very young age, saw one Civil War Veteran at the Summerford Memorial Day Service. The library has a picture of a gathering of the veterans of the 40th O.V. I. in their West Jefferson Remembers Site.)
____September 28, 1921 – Russell I. Blauser becomes the editor of the West Jefferson section of The Madison County Democrat, succeeding Mrs. HannahTimmons.
____October 15, 1921 – October 21, 1921 has been named West Jefferson Day by the local businessmen. There will be an ox roast, music, bands, dancing, etc.. A committee consisting of J. M. Martin, Allen Orders, E. J. Fitzgerald, S. S. Feder, J. M. Sullivan, J. H. Kuhn, and E. J. Britton has been formed to oversee the foot race, wheelbarrow race, greased pole, and other contests, all with prizes.