West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 72 (https://www.hbmlibrary.org/content/west-jefferson-days-gone-series-72)
West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 72 by Charlie Miller
____June 24, 1973 – The committee of councilmen which has been examining complaints made against T. D. Brown, Mayor. Have in their words, found the Mayor guilty of violating his duties in several different ways and recommend that a committee of three be appointed to prepare articles of impeachment at once. Signed, Andrew Miller, J. C. Olney, A. L. Martin. M. W. Stutson was appointed Mayor Pro Tem. The Marshal also resigned at this meeting.
July 8, 1873 – To the Honorable Council of the Incorporated Village of Jefferson,
Sirs, I hereby resign the Office of Mayor of said Village, hoping same will be accepted. I remain yours, T. D. Brown.
The Marshal then went to T. D. Brown, ex-Mayor, and demanded books and papers and seals, but he refused to give them up!
At this time, flues were inspected by the fire committee of the council and if the flues did not meet requirements, they were instructed to either get them repaired or pulled down.
____An Ordinance - An ordinance to provide for the better observation of the Sabbath Day.
SECTION I. Be it ordained by the Council of the incorporated Village of Jefferson, of the County of Madison, State of Ohio, that it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to open any house, room arbor, shop, booth, or cellar on the Sabbath Day for the purpose of selling goods, or otherwise doing business.
SECTION II. And it be further ordained that for any violations of this ordinance, the person, or persons so offending, shall upon conviction there of, be fined not less than $3.00 or more than $20.00.
SECTION III. Be it further ordained that all prosecutions under this ordinance shall be in the name of the Incorporated Village of Jefferson, and upon a complaint before the Mayor of said Village shall be, and is hereby made his duty to have the Marshal arrest the accused and bring him or them before him forthwith when he shall proceed as provided by law.
SECTION IV. This ordinance shall take effect on and after the lawful passage.
Passed, June 10, 1873.
January 27, 1874 – A petition was presented by the West Jefferson Temperance Union, asking the council to use all the authority invested in them to rid the town and vicinity, of the beverage and use of all intoxicating liquor, Signed by Matthew J. Stutson and many others.
Council was quick to answer by saying “We the Council of Jefferson do hereby receive and consider your petition, and promise to assist you in all and every way we can.”
*Prohibition came to Jefferson long before the 1920’s as we see from the following ordinances passed by Council on February 10, 1974. (contd next series)