West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 74 (https://www.hbmlibrary.org/content/west-jefferson-days-gone-series-74)
West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 74 by Charlie Miller
____1874 - West Jefferson Livery and Feed Stable, John Gregg. Prop. Located in the rear of the Mantle House. (The building that housed the stable is still standing on Water Street and was the former Williams Repair Shop.)
____In searching for old newspapers and items, I ran across what I believe to be the only existing copy of the West Jefferson Clipper, which was printed for a short time in the early 1870s. This particular copy is dated March 7, 1874. The paper consisted of one sheet of paper folded into four printed pages. On the first page was local advertising in the left-hand column with national news on the rest of the front page. On the second page was more advertising. The ads consisted of local establishments and ads for books, medicines, and such items that came from New York and other various cities in the East which were usually placed in many of the small papers throughout the country.
____The following is from the West Jefferson Clipper: The West Jefferson Clipper, $1.50 per annum, E. Mettles editor and proprietor, published every Saturday. The office is in the Gregg Building Main St. in the front rooms over T. B. Fellow’s store. (This would be in the building on the northwest corner of Main and Walnut Streets that currently holds an antique shop.)
R. S. Leake, Atty at Law, Gregg Building upstairs
Mrs. C. Gerhardt, bakery and confectionery
J. S. LaFerre, Merchant and Tailor
Mrs. Mary Stoner, Millinery and fancy goods. Post Office Building.
Dr. J. N. Beach, Physician, and surgeon, over the drug store. (This building is at 11 W. Main St.)
Dr. J. T. Colliver, in the building formerly the Haig Drug Store
Dr. Chas. Snyder, Physician, and Surgeon on Main St. Opposite Ben Hoe’s Store
West Jefferson Drug Store, Z. R. Taylor Brown & Sons, Harness Shop, in Swanston Building. (The former Red & White grocery store.)
1874 Directory Township Officials
Mayor- George W. Lewis
Justice of the Peace – Rufus Ingalls, Ezekiel Arnett
Marshal - Patrick Doggett
Constables – John T. Gregg, William Fleming
Clerk – William Putnam Clerk – Jophier S. Brown
Council – William Jones
Treasurer – Samuel S. Stickley William A. Boyd
Trustees- David R. Lucas Matthew W. Stutson Charles C. High J. C. Olney C. C. Roberts T. McDonald A. L, Martin