West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 78 (https://www.hbmlibrary.org/content/west-jefferson-days-gone-series-78)
West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 78 by Charlie Miller
____February 16, 1876 - Mrs. Thomas Fellows, a resident here in an early day, is visiting her brother-in-law W. W. Fellows. When Miss Fellows resided in this place the heart of the village was where the Old Hampton Cemetery burial ground is located.
____March 22, 1876 – When R. D. Thomas was cutting a big tree for cordwood he found a rifle ball. The tree was found to be 89 years old and located on the site of the Old Sandusky Road, the route believed to have been taken by Gen. Harrison, and presumed the ball found, was one fired by one of his party.
____ June 14, 1876 – Fred Grassel has opened a saloon in the room lately used by him to make cigars.
____July 9, 1876 – William Putnam has sold out to Quinn Bradley. (This was a drugstore)
____August 9, 1876 – A man by the name of Murphy was killed in a saloon here 16 years ago (1860) by Abraham Garabrant. Garabrant was caught this week in Columbus. (Garabrant was born in 1837 in New Jersey. He was living in West Jefferson in 1860 and was listed as a Teamster. It sounds like he must have left town after the murder, nothing could be found about him after that except for this article in the Madison County Democrat)
____October 1, 1876 – West Jefferson has a street sprinkler. “The street sprinkler made its appearance again on the streets Monday evening. Everything was covered with dust until the sprinkler was put into operation. To step out of doors was almost certain suffocation.”
____May 8, 1877 – Tom and Sam Jones have opened a dry goods store on the corner of Main and Center Streets. (This would be the current site of the Veterans Park. These were the sons of Isaac Jones founder of Jefferson.)
December 9, 1877 – S. J. Hubbard has opened his bank here at last. (This was Sterling J. Hubbard and in 1845 he married Elizabeth Mantle the daughter of Balzer Mantle the owner of the Mantle House. Mr. Hubbard had attended the Theological Seminary at Kenyon College in 1837. He died in 1887 and Elizabeth died in 1898, both are buried in Green Lawn Cemetery.)
____ The former jail was located underground and caused much controversy.
____1878 – The West Jefferson Bible Society was formed in 1878.
____April 15, 1878 - Dr. Charley Snyder has purchased the Wilson property on the corner of Main and Walnut Streets. He is talking of building an elegant three-story brick this season. (Dr. Snyder was born in 1848, he came to West Jefferson in 1867 and studied medicine under Dr. John N. Beach. He attended the Ohio Medical College, graduated in 1870, and was appointed Physician at the Ohio State Prison.)