West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 84 (https://www.hbmlibrary.org/content/west-jefferson-days-gone-series-84)
West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 84 by Charlie Miller
____1885 – Prices charged by the Village Marshal to bury a dog, 25c., a horse, $1.25.
_____September 29, 1885 – Council made a motion and passed to purchase 20 street lamps with posts @ $5.00 each, delivered. (One of these lamps was later given to the village by Earl Gregg and is in the village hall. They burned gasoline)
____November 10, 1885 – 26 lamps had been posted in the town. The Marshal had been appointed to light the lamps at $10.00 per month. The contract for setting the lamps and posts was awarded to John Stagg @ 15c. Each,
____January 20, 1886 – A corn canning plant is in the process of being built. (This building still stands on Jackson Street. The canning factory lasted for many years, and at harvest time it was the biggest employer in town. It was owned by several different canning companies including Stockley Van Camp and Crampton Canneries. Later it housed the Knight Travel agency.)
____1886 – Fourteen men were appointed by Mayor Culp to fill a vacancy on the council. All 14 were refused by the council by a vote of 3-2. It was finally decided by a special election.
____1886 – In 1886 the G. A. R. rented the upper rooms of the Village Hall for $20.00 per year.
____February 1886 – The village has purchased six more street lamps.
____October 13, 1886 – The foundation of the new Baptist Church is about completed, and it is understood work will begin at once on the building.
____October 27, 1886 – A lodge of the Sons of Veterans has been established here.
____November 3, 1886 – The cornerstone of the new Baptist Church will be laid next Sunday under the auspices of the Masonic Fraternity.
____November 10, 1886 – The laying of the cornerstone of the new Baptist Church in West Jefferson last Sunday afternoon will always be remembered as one of the leading events in that village and was the cause of the assemblage of a large number of Madison County people to witness the interesting ceremonies. The cold weather doubtlessly kept many from the exercises, but there was present a very creditable crowd. Members of the Masonic Fraternities were present from the West Jefferson Lodge, Chandler Lodge of London, and the Urania Lodge of Plain City. The assembly marched from the Masonic Hall to the church and taking their places on a large platform erected for the purposes, was called to order by the Grand Marshal J. Thacker Williams, after which the blessing of the Almighty was asked by Chaplin Gilbert.