West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 86 (https://www.hbmlibrary.org/content/west-jefferson-days-gone-series-86)
West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 86 by Charlie Miller
_____February 27, 1889, PEEN ELEVATOR BURNS – Owing to the frozen condition of the hand engines, the whole building and contents were consumed. The fire spread to Gallagher’s elevator and Mrs. Riourdan’s boarding house, but the heroic efforts of the bucket brigade saved both buildings. (Peene’s elevator sat on the north side of the railroad tracks west of Riourden’s. Gallagher’s elevator was later Murray Grain & Lumber Co.)
____July 1, 1889 – A West Jefferson newspaper is to be issued in a few days, Homer Cookey is the Editor. (The first definite date of a newspaper in Jefferson was in 1889 and was called The Jeffersonian. In 1894 the name was changed to The Home News and again in 1911 to The News.)
____October 2, 1889 – Murder in West Jefferson – Local grocery owner, Samuel Stickley, was assaulted by a man named George Bowles, who beat him over the head with a revolver, fracturing Mr. Stickley’s skull causing his death a few days later on September 26th. The murder took place in front of Mr. Stickley’s grocery store on the corner of Main and Walnut Streets. (Stickley was born in 1843 in Virginia, during the Civil War he served in Co. C 154 O. N. G. Mellott’s Drug Store opened in 1928 in this building.)
____October 14, 1889 – 20 West Jefferson Free Holders submitted a petition to the Village Council requesting to submit to the qualified voters of said Village the question of building a new town hall and township house. The cost of said buildings is not to exceed $15,000.00.
____1890 – One of the duties of the Town Marshal at this time was to bury any dead animals found within the village limits. In 1890 Council passed an ordinance stating that any dead animal found within the village limits would have to be buried by the owner at the owner's expense.
____January 12, 1890 – A boy by the name of Albert Ellison of Big Plain, died of the grippe here. He was born on February 16, 1872, and was nearly 18 years old. He was 4 feet tall and weighed 20 pounds, he had been exhibited in several different states.
____A newspaper called The Observer was published in 1890.
____January 15, 1890 – The new bell for the Baptist Church has arrived, it’s weight is 2,000 pounds.
____January 20, 1890 – A new well was put in front of the Baptist Church on Main Street. (This well was well known for many years and mentioned in many old timer’s recollections.
____May 7, 1890 – Three saloons are now open in Jefferson, Slavin’s, Mrs. Grassling’s, and Murray’s. The Prohibition ordinance will be repealed this week.