West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 87 (https://hbmlibrary.org/content/west-jefferson-days-gone-series-87)
West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 87 by Charlie Miller
____May 13, 1890 – The ordinance prohibiting the sale of ale, beer, and porterhouses (porterhouse, a place where porter, a malt liquor resembling ale, was sold) and other places from selling intoxicating liquors, passed May 20, 1887, was repealed on May 13, 1890.
____June 1890 – S. West Street was extended from Pearl Street to the Lilly Chapel Free Pike. This took in the residence of Dr. John N. Beach. Dr. Beach turned in a claim of $50.00 as damages to his property by the extension of the street. The council thought that it was too high and appointed a committee of three to offer him $20.00. Also, Andrews Burrows whose land was also crossed (on the west side of the street) turned in a bill of 3c. a square foot. The council thought that this was too high also. A committee was formed to offer him $125.00. R. S. Leake was obtained as solicitor for the corporation in the cases, and made the following report; for the court to allow Andrew Burrows, $150.00 and Dr. Beach $50.00 as compensation for damages on September 11, 1890.
____July 30, 1890 – Gable & Witzel, the photographers, will occupy one of the upstairs rooms in the Haislett Building.
____September 3, 1890 – John Elliott of West Jefferson, was murdered by a man named Frank Cash, a tramp. John Elliott was killed the previous day on the 2nd, he served as Sgt. in Co. C, 95th O. V. I. From August 9, 1862, to August 19, 1865, he’s buried at Pleasant Hill Cemetery.)
____ John Renner’s mill, better known as the West Jefferson Flouring Mill, turns out 60 barrels of flour per day. (This mill sat clear at the end of Mill Rd. on Darby Creek.)
____November 19, 1890 – Charles C. Jones, son of Rev. Isaac Jones, founder of Jefferson, died suddenly. (Charles was born in 1826 in New Hampton. He was later involved in Banking and auctioneering.)
____January 28, 1891 – A. L. Martin, tailor, died here. ___March 25, 1891 – Joseph Millholland of LaFayette, has leased the Mantle House including the Baber Stable in the rear. (The Baber Stable still stands (2023) and previously housed the William’s Automotive Repair Shop)
____1891 – The Village Lamp Lighter was Isaac Stickley, he was paid the sum of $10.50 per month. Before having a lamp lighter, the lights were taken care of by the Village Marshall.)