West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 113 (https://www.hbmlibrary.org/content/west-jefferson-days-gone-series-113)

West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 113 by Charlie Miller


____May 19, 1919 – Plans are being made to build a new Methodist Church along Pearl St.


____June 16, 1919 – Mrs. Lot D. Hull, wife of former Mayor, dies.’


____July 18, 1919 – Isaac Peetry, an old veteran, dies. He was born on January 27, 1839. (See story in Series #104) Isaac G. Pettery enlisted as a First Sergeant in Co. B 95th O. V. I. at London, Ohio, on August 19, 1862. He was commissioned a 2nd Lt. on January 26, 1863, and taken prisoner on June 10, 1864, at the Battle of Brice Cross Roads, Mississippi. He was commissioned a 1st Lt. on May 28, 1865, and mustered out on June 24, 1865.)


____September 3, 1919 – Company A of the 40th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment, formed of West Jefferson men, holds a reunion in Columbus. It has been 58 years since the Company was formed.


____January 28, 1920 – James McDonald, manager of Murray Lumber & Grain for the past 15 years, dies. Aged 59 years. He was a railroader in his early life and had also served on the village council.


____February 11, 1920 – Mayor Putnam issues orders placing a ban on all gambling devices; also he has ordered the boys under 17 years of age to stay out of poolrooms unless accompanied by their parents.


____February 25, 1920 – A victory program was held at the West Jefferson M. E. Church under the auspices of the Madison County W.C.T.U. A timely address of “The Prohibition on Victory” was delivered.


____March 8, 1920 – Mayor Putnam has issued an order that all automobiles must be parked straight into the curb on Main and Center Streets. (These were parked diagonally on Main St. for years, but they were probably changed to parallel to the curbs in the late 40s or 50s when traffic got heavier.)


____March 10, 1920 – The Wilson Burrows G. A. R. Post Relief Corps No. 98 is in operation. (This was the Grand Army of the Republic named after Sgt. Wilson Burrows was the first West Jefferson man to be killed in the Civil War. He was killed on April 10, 1863, in the Battle of Franklin, Tennessee.)


____March 24, 1920 – The Daughter of Richard Acton, former Mayor of West Jefferson, dies.  (This was Margaret Acton, the daughter of Richard Acton. Richard Acton was Mayor in 1851. He was born in 1824 and died in 1876. He is buried at Oak Hill Cemetery in London. He was a saddle and harness maker by trade. He served as a Musician for a year in the Civil War, serving in the 40th O.V. I.)


____March 24, 1920 – The Ladies Air Society of the Baptist Church will serve a chicken supper in the basement of their church on Tuesday, March 25th.


Source URL: https://www.hbmlibrary.org/content/west-jefferson-days-gone-series-113