West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 141 (https://www.hbmlibrary.org/content/west-jefferson-days-gone-series-141)

West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 141 by Charlie Miller


- 1905 – Natural Gas arrives to West Jefferson. - September 25, 1905, There was a recommendation for an ordinance granting the Ohio Fuel Supply Company, it’s successors and assignee's the right and privilege of laying, maintaining and removing pipe in the streets and alleys of West Jefferson for the purpose of supplying the inhabitants there of with natural gas for fuel and lighting and other purposes, and regulating the said laying of pipe.


- 1915 – The village was supplied with natural gas for lighting purposes, and it was piped in from Columbus.



Law & Order


- May 4, 1936 – A new motorcycle was purchased at the cost of $400.00.


- 1938 – Mayor Seamon, newly elected, in his remarks to Council, discussed at some lengths his views on the traffic problems of today, which confront the citizens of West Jefferson. He also touched upon his monetary and financial policies. Mayor Seamon said in part that the motorcycle system was wholly inadequate and had no place in the present-day traffic problems. With the high speed of the present automobile, it is utterly impossible to stop or run down criminals. I want to remind you right now that I intend to enforce the laws to the fullest extent. If you are brought before me, you may know what to expect. I expect the same treatment if I am ever guilty of such an offense. I am recommending the purchase of a car for our Police Department to the Council and our citizens.


Motion was passed to allow Richard Merriman a $1.00 a day for the use of his car as a police patrol.


- May 10, 1917 – The results of an election to determine if the sale of intoxicating liquor as a beverage shall be allowed within the limits of the Corporation. A total of 324 votes. 184 yes, 140 no.


West Jeff Old Timers


- 1972 – West Jeff Man 101 Years Old – Glen Post celebrated his 101st birthday on March 16th. He was born March 16, 1871 in Nebraska. At the age of 18, Post accepted his first badge and became the Sheriff of Hayes County, serving for 14 years, then moved to Kansas City, Nebraska, serving 3 years as Constable. A Deputy Sheriff in Pennsylvania and in the Police Dept. and Sheriff’s office in Dallas, Texas. He served as a Merchant Policeman in West Jefferson and Special Deputy in the Madison Co. Sheriff’s Office.- March 17, 1979 – at 108 years old, he is the oldest living veteran of the D.A.V. He is a veteran of the Spanish-American War and served as a Medic in WWI. He said, “I was shelled during WWI.” He was a Second Lieutenant when he got out. He married his third wife three years ago.


- 1977 -A 106-year-old man was accused of threatening a visitor with a gun. Glen Post of 2660 Avalon Pl. was charged with pulling a gun on 23-year-old William Menear. He said Post threatened to shoot him. Post has not been arrested yet. I remember Glen Post. He was a genuine character.


Source URL: https://www.hbmlibrary.org/content/west-jefferson-days-gone-series-141