West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 152 (https://www.hbmlibrary.org/content/west-jefferson-days-gone-series-152)
West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 152 by Charlie Miller
From 1934 Centennial -
-West Jefferson Odd Fellows was founded in 1869. Odd Fellows began in England during the time of the Industrial Revolution with the purpose of helping their fellow men. They were organized in Ohio at Cincinnati in 1830. On June 2, 1869, five men petitioned for a lodge at West Jefferson; they were J. C. Blair, William Wallace Fellows, David Oakley, and W. C. Welling. J. H. Randall and Gilbert C. Deems. The first meeting of the West Jefferson Lodge #412 was held Wednesday night, June 2, 1869, with James Turner, Grand Master of Ohio. The officers elected were: J. C. Blair, Noble Grand; J. H. Randall, Vice Grand; Gilbert Deems, Secretary; W. W. Fellows, Treasurer. The first bills that they paid were: Coal Bucket, $1.00, Coal Oil, one gallon, 40c., Lamp Chimney, 20c., Matches, 10c. We know of no monument to the fellowship of the Odd Fellows than their work than Odd Fellows Home at Springfield.
-Mellott’s Drug Store will have a double celebration this week. Along with the Centennial event, the Rexall one-cent sale will be conducted for four days starting Wednesday morning.
-GREEN SEAL BEER - Green Seal Beer satisfies – Try one of our Virginia Baked Ham Sandwiches.
The Palace Cafe, Famous for 35 years., William Wanzel, Prop. (William Wanzel built the building at 25 W. Main St. He passed away in 1953.)
Congratulations on making West Jefferson the Town of Today. An institution that has grown with the modern demands of West Jefferson. Pledged to service for this great community of people from the day of its inception by the founder, W. H. Pence, many years ago. From horse-drawn crude appearing funeral coach and invalid cars, the progressive company has not only kept pace with the town’s advancement but today has every modern facility in keeping with their dignified profession.
INVALID CAR SERVICE – PENCE & BLAUSER, Phone 119-j or 33, West Jefferson.
- GREETINGS- It is with great pleasure and infinite pride in the achievements of the community that we congratulate the people of West Jefferson on their splendid heritage that has been 100 years in the making. RECOB’S MEAT MARKET “Our Meats Will Be Sure To Please You.” R. W. Recob, prop. Phone 135, West Jefferson.
- EXTENDING GREETINGS – To every Jeffersonian upon the great development of our great town during the past one hundred years. We look forward with confidence that West Jefferson will have a great future. See us for RCA Victor and Grunow Radios, Thor and Maytag Washers, and All kinds of electrical appliances. We have been in business for the past 13 years. A. J. Braithwaite, prop.
(This was located in the west half of the building on the northeast corner of Main and Center streets. Now, the site of the Veterans Park. The I.G.A. was in the other half.)