West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 159 (https://www.hbmlibrary.org/content/west-jefferson-days-gone-series-159)

West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 159 by Charlie Miller


Businesses advertising in the 1934 Centennial newspaper-


- When West Jefferson was a tiny settlement, electricity was unknown—but today electricity lightens the burden of everyone—economically. We are proud to take part in the Centennial Celebration.

West Jefferson Power & Light Co.


Cooking School. Tuesday October 16, 4 p. m. Methodist church basement. 10 cents per member will be given to the respective club, for each member present at this cooking school held under the auspices of the Ohio Edison Electric Shop Co.


- Best wishes to my home town on its one-hundredth anniversary. Clyde Johnson General Blacksmith Work, West Jefferson.


- Davis Restaurant West Main Street, West Jefferson. You’ll enjoy eating here, we feature dinners—lunches—Fried Chicken—Steaks--Short Orders.


- Gulf Gasoline—Crankcase Service, Firestone Tires and Tubes, Auto Accessories. Edward Cochrun. (Ed was located on the corner of W. Main Street and Blair Road. It was known as the Rock Filling Station.)


- R. I. Blauser Co. Centennial Greetings. Buy furniture for less in West Jefferson. Studio Cedar Chest Bed—Colonial style in solid maple, only…..$35.00. (currently 2023) occupied by the Chevron Pool Company.)


- West Jefferson The Town of Today. An institution that has grown with the modern demands of West Jefferson. Pledged to service for this great community of people for the day of its inception by the founder W. H. Pence many years ago.


- QUALITY FOOD At popular prices has been our policy for 25 years. Eat in comfort, too, for there’s comfort and quiet refinement as well as fine food here. DINNERS AND LUNCHES, Steaks, Chops, sandwiches. A hearty Welcome to Centennial visitors. The Star Hotel J. W. Kubitschack prop.


- The West Jefferson Meat Market joins with all West Jefferson in celebrating our progress over the last 100 years. We take this opportunity to express a Centenary greeting to all our customers and to thank them for their splendid patronage. Government inspected—that’s the kind we sell. David Davies Baby Beer, Amours' Star skinned hams; best the market affords: half or whole, pound 23c. Don’t fail to see our shop, which has been completely decorated by the Armour Packing Co.


Ed Arganbright “Quality is Our Motto” Phone 23.


Source URL: https://www.hbmlibrary.org/content/west-jefferson-days-gone-series-159