Services oplin
Accu Cut Die Cuts
Accu Cut Die Cuts oplin
- Die cuts are available to use in the Library only. Ask a Staff member for assistance.
- Die cuts owned by the Hurt/Battelle Memorial Library are available every day during business hours. For a complete list, open the pdf below or visit the Library and ask for the Die Cut notebooks! Click the name of the die cut you would like to reserve and it will take you to our catalog!
- For more information about Die Cuts owned by other Libraries see SEO Die Cut List! Requested Die Cuts will take up to 2 weeks to arrive and Staff will notify you.
- You must bring your own paper as the Library will not supply the paper.
Suggested Reads
Suggested Reads oplinCommunity Room
Community Room oplin
PDFs of the Meeting Room Policy and the Community Room Reservation Agreement can be found at the bottom of this page.
Meeting Room Policy
Use of Community Room and Quiet Study Room:
Hurt/Battelle Memorial Library has a Community Room and a Quiet Study Room. These rooms are intended primarily for Library-related activities such as story times, film programs, book reviews, staff meetings and training, discussion groups, and other events sponsored by the Library and intended to encourage the use of Library materials and services. When these rooms are not needed for Library-related activities, they are made available to non-profit community groups. Additionally, private or public corporations, organizations, or businesses may book various meeting rooms on a fee basis. In all cases, the use of the rooms must be in accordance with the meeting room policy adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Hurt/Battelle Memorial Library.
Library meeting rooms are available under the following conditions:
- Free use of meeting facilities at the Hurt/Battelle Memorial Library is limited to educational, cultural, civic, social, political, religious, professional, or other non-profit organizations. These meetings must be open to the public.
- Meeting rooms may be used by private or public corporations, organizations, or businesses, for a fee of $50.00 for the Community Room and $25.00 for the Quiet Study Room. This fee may be waived if there is a benefit to the community at large such as a job fair. These meetings are NOT open to the public.
- Parties, weddings, or showers of any kind are prohibited.
- Library meeting rooms are available during regular Library business hours.
- The Library may permit presenters at Library-sponsored programs to sell merchandise related to the subject or activity of their programs. The Library will grant this permission either to reduce the cost of the program to the Library or to raise funds for the Friends group.
- Special room arrangements may be requested, but cannot be guaranteed.
- The Library does not provide equipment for meetings. The Library cannot provide technical support or operators nor can it assume any responsibility for non-Library equipment.
- The Library prohibits:
-the use of any open flame
-the use of deep-fat fryers
-propping open the outside doors or windows
-alcohol, tobacco, or controlled substances.
- All publicity by the organization or business about the meeting must state clearly that the Library is merely the site of the meeting and not its sponsor. Additionally, any use of the Library’s logo is expressly prohibited. The agreement with the Library to make meeting room space available does not imply that the Library either advocates or endorses the viewpoints expressed in the meeting, or by meeting sponsors or speakers. If the organization or business engages speakers to address the meeting, the organization is responsible for all arrangements regarding the speaker.
- All meetings must be conducted in an orderly manner and in accordance with the rules and regulations set forth in the Library Code of Conduct and the Community Room Reservation Agreement.
- Meetings or events held in the Community Room must not disturb normal library operations
- The Library will develop rules and regulations for the use of the meeting rooms based on its experience with the use of the space by groups in its community. These rules will determine the frequency of use and number of advance bookings that may be made by an individual group; consequently, rules and regulations may vary between agencies.
- As indicated earlier, Library meeting rooms are made available to outside groups only when they are not needed for Library purposes. On the rare occasion that the Library finds it must use its space unexpectedly for its own purposes, even though a community group has reserved it, the Library will make every effort to provide the group with alternate space or an alternate meeting time in Library space. In reserving a Library meeting room, an organization assumes the risk that the Library may need to preempt the space for its own purposes.
This policy does not restrict the Library, however, from engaging commercial or professional resource people as speakers in Library-developed and sponsored programs nor does it prohibit the Library or its affiliated groups such as the Friends of the Library from using meeting rooms for book sales and other fund-raising events, the purpose of which is to support the needs and mission of the Library.
The Library reserves the right to deny the use of the meeting room to any group that does not meet the above criteria or that violates the policies for the use of the room.
In order to use the room, a responsible individual must fill out a Community Room Reservation Agreement. These forms are considered public records. The name of the group or individual using a meeting room may be released if there is a public records request. However, contact information is considered confidential. Therefore, if an individual or organization wants their contact information released upon request, it must be marked on the agreement.
The Library Board of Trustees authorizes the Library staff to implement this policy, but it reserves the right to review any or all agreements for the use of the Community Room and shall have final authority to grant or refuse permission for use of the Community Room if the implementation of this policy is questioned. The Board of Library Trustees reserves the right to amend this policy at any time.
The signed agreement form assigns responsibility for loss or damages to the room or other library property to the signatory of the application. The signature also denotes that the group and designated responsible individual agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Hurt/Battelle Memorial Library Board of Trustees and members, employees, and agents from any claims and liability arising out of or related to the use of the facilities.
Board Approved 8/8/2023
Copy/print/fax oplin- Copying/Printing: $.10 for single-sided, $.20 for double-sided.
- Wireless Printing from a device: See a Staff Member for assistance.
- Faxing: Sending or receiving faxes are $1.00 per page. Sending a cover letter with a fax is free.
- Scanning a document and accessing it from the Library computers is free. Scanning directly to an email address is also free.
Curbside Service
Curbside Service oplinCurbside Service is available during normal business hours.
- Online requests may be placed anytime by using the Library Catalog. Call the Information Desk at 614-879-8448 to place a hold over the phone.
- There is a maximum of 25 items on hold per card.
- Once the items are available for pick-up, you will be notified through your preferred method of communication.
- When you arrive, pull up in front of the Library by the flagpole and call inside to have the holds checked out and brought to your vehicle.
Get a Library Card
Get a Library Card oplin
- A patron must present proof of current address, working telephone number
and picture identification to obtain a borrower's card. - Minors need a parent or legal guardian present to get a card.
- Parents and guardians are financially responsible for the material on their child’s card.
- There is no age minimum to get a card.
- Patrons may apply for a library card at the Library at any time prior to fifteen minutes before closing.
For more information on the full Borrowers' Card Policy, click the pdf below!
Educator Cards
Educator Cards site_adminEducator Cards
Educator cards are issued to certified public, private and parochial school teachers, administrators and preschool daycare instructors who live or work in the Jefferson Local School District. With this card, a teacher may borrow materials for classroom use without using a personal card. A patron must have a personal card before they can apply for an educator card.
The card may be used for up to 50 books and 20 audio books.
Educators will not be charged for one lost or damaged item per school year.
DVDs are not allowed to be checked out on an Educator Card. The Director may make exceptions.
Teacher Collections
Teacher Collections are available by printing the form below and turning it in to the Information Desk or faxing it to us at 614-879-8668 at least 2 weeks before the collection is needed. Materials will be pulled from the shelves and ready to go by the pick-up date.
Loan Policy
Loan Policy site_adminFor the first month, New Patrons may only check out a maximum of 3 items at a time, 1 of which may be a DVD.
After the probationary period, a maximum of 50 items may be checked out, 7 of which may be DVDs and 2 may be DVD series.
Board games, cake pans and memory boxes are limited to 1 per card.
The loan periods for materials is as follows:
7 Days:
Board Games
Memory Box
14 Days:
DVD TV Series
Fishing Poles
New & Holiday Books
Nonfiction DVDs
28 Days:
All Other Books
- HBMLibrary does not charge overdue fines. Items 30 days overdue will be charged to the patron's card.
- Patrons are responsible for any lost, damaged or stolen items.
Home Delivery
Home Delivery oplin
- If you are a Jefferson Local School District resident unable to leave your home due to age, illness, or physical limitations, we can bring the Library to you!
- Delivery is scheduled according to temporary or long term needs.
- We tailor this service to each individual patron. You may request specific titles, authors or genres.
- Material types that are available to be brought to you are: books, audiobooks, dvds, magazines, memory boxes and more!
- You may also leave it to us to recommend items we think you may enjoy based on your preferences.
- If you or someone you know can benefit from this service, please contact the Library at 614-879-8448 or print and fill out the application below and turn it into the Outreach Coordinator.
Laminating oplin
- The Library provides a laminating machine that can laminate 3 different sizes.
- Credit card-sized are $.50.
- 8 1/2 x 11 are $1.00.
- 11 x 17 are $2.00.
- Laminating will be done by staff.
Notary Service
Notary Service site_admin
This service is available for free during business hours that align with the work schedule of our on-staff notary.
If you require a notary, please call ahead for availability at 614-879-8448 and ask to speak to Autumn. She will let you know what you must bring to the Library.
Public Computers
Public Computers oplin
- Public computers are available to use during Library hours. The computers are able to use Microsoft technology and can be used to print documents to the public copier. *See Copy/print/fax for prices.
- A.W.E. Early Learning computers are available in the Children's Area.
- Free Wifi is available for mobile devices and laptops. Ask a Staff member for assistance getting connected.
Puzzle Exchange
Puzzle Exchange site_admin
Got a puzzle you've finished and need a new one? The Hurt/Battelle Memorial Library has an ongoing puzzle exchange program. Bring a puzzle in and take one with you when you go. There are currently many varieties of puzzles for all different skill levels available.
Quiet Study Room
Quiet Study Room oplin
Meeting Room Policy
Use of Community Room and Quiet Study Room:
Hurt/Battelle Memorial Library has a Community Room and a Quiet Study Room. These rooms are intended primarily for Library-related activities such as story times, film programs, book reviews, staff meetings and training, discussion groups, and other events sponsored by the Library and intended to encourage the use of Library materials and services. When these rooms are not needed for Library-related activities, they are made available to non-profit community groups. Additionally, private or public corporations, organizations, or businesses may book various meeting rooms on a fee basis. In all cases, the use of the rooms must be in accordance with the meeting room policy adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Hurt/Battelle Memorial Library.
Library meeting rooms are available under the following conditions:
- Free use of meeting facilities at the Hurt/Battelle Memorial Library is limited to educational, cultural, civic, social, political, religious, professional, or other non-profit organizations. These meetings must be open to the public.
- Meeting rooms may be used by private or public corporations, organizations, or businesses, for a fee of $50.00 for the Community Room and $25.00 for the Quiet Study Room. This fee may be waived if there is a benefit to the community at large such as a job fair. These meetings are NOT open to the public.
- Parties, weddings, or showers of any kind are prohibited.
- Library meeting rooms are available during regular Library business hours.
- The Library may permit presenters at Library-sponsored programs to sell merchandise related to the subject or activity of their programs. The Library will grant this permission either to reduce the cost of the program to the Library or to raise funds for the Friends group.
- Special room arrangements may be requested, but cannot be guaranteed.
- The Library does not provide equipment for meetings. The Library cannot provide technical support or operators nor can it assume any responsibility for non-Library equipment.
- The Library prohibits:
-the use of any open flame
-the use of deep-fat fryers
-propping open the outside doors or windows
-alcohol, tobacco, or controlled substances.
- All publicity by the organization or business about the meeting must state clearly that the Library is merely the site of the meeting and not its sponsor. Additionally, any use of the Library’s logo is expressly prohibited. The agreement with the Library to make meeting room space available does not imply that the Library either advocates or endorses the viewpoints expressed in the meeting, or by meeting sponsors or speakers. If the organization or business engages speakers to address the meeting, the organization is responsible for all arrangements regarding the speaker.
- All meetings must be conducted in an orderly manner and in accordance with the rules and regulations set forth in the Library Code of Conduct and the Community Room Reservation Agreement.
- Meetings or events held in the Community Room must not disturb normal library operations
- The Library will develop rules and regulations for the use of the meeting rooms based on its experience with the use of the space by groups in its community. These rules will determine the frequency of use and number of advance bookings that may be made by an individual group; consequently, rules and regulations may vary between agencies.
- As indicated earlier, Library meeting rooms are made available to outside groups only when they are not needed for Library purposes. On the rare occasion that the Library finds it must use its space unexpectedly for its own purposes, even though a community group has reserved it, the Library will make every effort to provide the group with alternate space or an alternate meeting time in Library space. In reserving a Library meeting room, an organization assumes the risk that the Library may need to preempt the space for its own purposes.
This policy does not restrict the Library, however, from engaging commercial or professional resource people as speakers in Library-developed and sponsored programs nor does it prohibit the Library or its affiliated groups such as the Friends of the Library from using meeting rooms for book sales and other fund-raising events, the purpose of which is to support the needs and mission of the Library.
The Library reserves the right to deny the use of the meeting room to any group that does not meet the above criteria or that violates the policies for the use of the room.
In order to use the room, a responsible individual must fill out a Community Room Reservation Agreement. These forms are considered public records. The name of the group or individual using a meeting room may be released if there is a public records request. However, contact information is considered confidential. Therefore, if an individual or organization wants their contact information released upon request, it must be marked on the agreement.
The Library Board of Trustees authorizes the Library staff to implement this policy, but it reserves the right to review any or all agreements for the use of the Community Room and shall have final authority to grant or refuse permission for use of the Community Room if the implementation of this policy is questioned. The Board of Library Trustees reserves the right to amend this policy at any time.
The signed agreement form assigns responsibility for loss or damages to the room or other library property to the signatory of the application. The signature also denotes that the group and designated responsible individual agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Hurt/Battelle Memorial Library Board of Trustees and members, employees, and agents from any claims and liability arising out of or related to the use of the facilities.
Board Approved 8/8/2023
Tech Tutor
Tech Tutor oplin
Need help with a device?
Schedule your free 30 minute tech tutor with a Staff Member to help walk you through the steps!