The Cartoonist Way: Writing & Drawing Your Own Comics

The Cartoonist Way: Writing & Drawing Your Own Comics 7/29 10:30 am - 12 pm open to teenagers & adults


Dive into the fun and fantastic world of comics. Whether you want to create your own characters, tell slice-of-life stories, or expand your imagination, this workshop will include several fun prompts and tips to get you there. Activities will include making a mini-comic, discussing pacing and the narrative wave, and tips for developing and designing your own characters. Sketchbooks and a device to look up references are encouraged but not essential.

Carl Lucas is a cartoonist and graphic artist residing in Columbus Ohio, with years of experience teaching comic-related workshops to help students write, draw, and develop their own characters. Carl is also the author of self-published works like Shogun Bear: In The House Of Horrors and Final Arctic Fantasy and has created officially licensed t-shirts and merchandise for Dune and Scott Pilgrim.

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