Label | Information |
Dates & times |
Category | Special Events |
Age Groups | Children, Teens |
"Dr. Dave was only 4 years old when man landed on the moon, but that event would have a huge impact on his life that has ultimately led to the Whiz Bang Science Show. The excitement of watching that moonwalk and seeing all of the scientists in the control room that made it happen inspired him to be a scientist someday.
Dr. Dave’s true love is working with children and getting them excited about science. Beginning in 1998 with a Magic of Soybeans show and DNA Extraction from Onions, Dr. Dave began honing his skills at making science fun and understandable." - Whiz Bang Science Show

This program is brought to you by a generous grant from Battelle in partnership with HBMLibrary.

For more information on the Family Summer Reading Program, click on the image below!