Storytime in the Park!

  Dates & times
  • Wed, 06/05/2024 - 10:30am
  Category Storytime
  Age Groups Children

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Add to Calendar 2024-06-05 10:30:00 2024-06-05 10:30:00 Storytime in the Park!   June 5th - Dogs with Jobs!Early Learning Skill: Number RecognitionJune 12th - Father Knows Best! Happy Father's Day!Early Learning Skill: Letter RecognitionJune 19th - Bye, Bye Butterfly! Hello Summer!Early Learning Skill: OppositesJune 26th - Bubbles, Bubbles Everywhere!Early Learning Skill: Shapes July 3rd - Red, White, & Blue!Early Learning Skill: Color RecognitionJuly 10th - Down on the Farm!Early Learning Skill: Positional WordsJuly 17th - New To You!Early Learning Skill: RhymingJuly 24th - Summer Dance Party!Early Learning Skill: Number RecognitionJuly 31st - Going on a Color Hunt!Early Learning Skill: Color Recognition  Hurt/Battelle Memorial Library Hurt/Battelle Memorial Library America/New_York public


Storytime at the Park! Storytime in June and July with be at Garrette Park on Wednesdays only! If it is raining, storytime will be at the Library. with an image of a book that has grass and trees on top with a park bench.



June 5th - Dogs with Jobs!
Early Learning Skill: Number Recognition

June 12th - Father Knows Best! Happy Father's Day!
Early Learning Skill: Letter Recognition

June 19th - Bye, Bye Butterfly! Hello Summer!
Early Learning Skill: Opposites

June 26th - Bubbles, Bubbles Everywhere!
Early Learning Skill: Shapes


July 3rd - Red, White, & Blue!
Early Learning Skill: Color Recognition

July 10th - Down on the Farm!
Early Learning Skill: Positional Words

July 17th - New To You!
Early Learning Skill: Rhyming

July 24th - Summer Dance Party!
Early Learning Skill: Number Recognition

July 31st - Going on a Color Hunt!
Early Learning Skill: Color Recognition