West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 116 by Charlie Miller
____April 6, 1922 – The installation of a new $5,000.00 musical instrument in the Exhibit Theater is the latest improvement made by Mr. Kaho. The new “Fotoplayer” is 15’ high and 3’ wide. It is equal to a 20-piece symphony or a 15-piece band. (The Exhibit Theater was in the upstairs of the Village Hall.)
____April 20, 1922 – More than 500 people attended the service held Sunday afternoon in connection with the cornerstone laying of the new M. E. Church. Z. R. Taylor had the honor of placing the marker. The custom of placing a copper box containing interesting and important matter in the cornerstone was followed.
____The radio bug has bitten once again, but this time, more than one citizen of West Jefferson is feeling the effects of his bite. Several of the businessmen are forming a radio club and will install a large radio outfit at Headley & Maddux’s garage on E. Main St. The outfit will be one of the largest in the county and capable of receiving messages and concerts from points as far east as New York City, and as far west as Denver.
____April 27, 1922 – The 1922 graduating class is the largest to graduate from the High School. It breaks the previous record held by the Class of ‘11. Twenty-eight are to receive diplomas.
____May 4, 1922 – John Huhn, prominent West Jefferson merchant, dies. He came to West Jefferson in 1917 and opened a department store along with Ulysses Jones.
____June 12, 1922 – “Johnson Training Camp Near Here” – Local fans were given an opportunity to see Jack Johnson, former Heavy Weight Champion of the World. Johnson’s training camp is located just east of West Jefferson on the National Pike.
____August 26, 1922 – Drilling for oil and gas will begin soon 3 miles south of Jefferson between Big and Little Darby Creeks.
____September 11, 1922 -Plans are underway for the 44th annual reunion of the 40th O. V. I. Regiment, which is to be held in West Jefferson on Tuesday and Wednesday. The four surviving members residing in West Jefferson are Lawrence Englesperger, James Chambers, Elijah Spring, and Thomas Pearce. Thomas Pearce is President, and Pleasant Clarage of Five Points is Secretary of the Association.
____November 30, 1922 – It is a known fact that residents of the town residing on streets other than Main St. desire light for their streets. The West Jefferson Power & Light Co. has offered to discontinue half of the Main St. lights and erect them in the residential areas. (Since about 1901, Main Street residents were the only ones to receive electricity; they got it from the Interurban lines.)