West Jefferson in Days Gone By - series 165 by Charlie Miller
Etta Chenos continued.-
Do you remember that years ago
You would see a familiar sign “wanted”
Not advertising something to buy or sell but it read “Boy wanted.”
“Wanted-–A boy” How often we
This quite familiar notice see.
Wanted—A boy for every kind
of task that a busy world can find.
He is wanted—wanted now and here;
There are towns to build; there are paths to clear;
There are seas to sail; there are gulfs to span,
In the ever onward march of man.
Wanted—The world wants boys today
And it offers them all it has to pay.
Twill grant them wealth, position and fame,
A useful life, and an honored name.
Boys who will guide the plow and pen;
Boys who will shape their ways for man;
Boys who will forward the tasks begun,
For the world’s great work is never done.
The world is eager to employ
Not just one, but every boy
Who, with a purpose staunch and true,
Will grant the work he finds to do.
Honest, faithful, earnest, kind,
To good awake, to evil blind,
A heart of gold without alloy,
Wanted—The world wants such a boy.